Monday, October 18, 2010

Why I am blogging about nursing school

I am in the 1st semester of a 2 year Associates Degree in Nursing.  If all goes well I will be a RN by the summer of 2012.  I have lectures to attend, practicum skills to practice, clinicals to attend, test to pass, and piles of books to study. Oh and did I mention I'm married and have a very active 5 3/4 year old daughter.

So why am I taking the time to blog?  Well, it's simple, I feel the need to share my experience with current and future student nurses who might be going through the same things so that they don't feel different.

Many time we've had a good day or a bad day and we come home and try to share with our non-nurse family or friends.  While they my be supportive, they just do not share the nursing frame of refernce with us.

So I'm starting this blog to share the ups and downs of the process of becoming a nurse.